Our Mission:
encourage and equip
The mission of the Alabama-Northwest Florida Region is to encourage and equip its congregations and pastors for the ministry of Jesus Christ in local communities and throughout the world, while seeking to nurture them into deeper relationship with God, with each other, and with the whole Church.

52 congregations make up the Disciples’ Alabama-Northwest Florida Region. Each congregation is free to make its own decisions about leadership, property, and ministries. In covenant with one another, each congregation understands that it is a part of the larger Body of Christ. Each congregation voluntarily commits to the work and mission of the whole church through prayer, involvement, and financial support.
Our Ministries
The Alabama-Northwest Florida Region provides a wide-variety of ministries aimed at leadership development, congregational vitality, and spiritual renewal and growth. We are committed to the strengthening of our congregations as they give witness to the good news of God’s grace in their communities. Our goal is to achieve excellence in our ministries.
The ministry of the Alabama-Northwest Florida Region is only possible through the voluntary commitment of individuals and congregations. The services and support the Region provides to congregations is a witness to our common commitment to one another.
Years of Service
body of christ

We are Disciples of Christ, a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world. As part of the one body of Christ, we welcome all to the Lord’s Table as God has welcomed us.
Disciples Identity Statement